Derrick + Alex

  1. Lori Yeatman says:

    Oh, my!!! You truly captured the beauty of the day. I have prayed for this perfect day for Alex for so long and to actually be able to relive the perfect day by looking at your photographs is priceless. I didn’t shed a tear at the actual wedding but being able to slowly process the day through your amazing photographs, I’m sitting here balling my eyes out. Thank you for your patience with grumpy kids, your diligence in finding the perfect angle, your quick finger to snap the best unexpected shots but most of all thank you for loving the Lord and expressing that love through photography. We are honored that you memorialized Alex & Derricks perfect day!!

  2. Becky Lancaster says:

    Absolutely beautiful pictures of a beautiful couple and beautiful day. Alex has had a very special place in my heart for a long time. I’ve prayed many times asking God to watch over her and take care of her. And He did..loving, her and bringing these 2 together..
    Thank you for sharing.

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